
onward 2016 05 750

5. Forming a Group of Believers: BeiMac, 2000s

In 2002, David formed along with 6 other members from different parts of the world, what would then be known as the Beijing Macintosh User Group. The group had expanded throughout the 2000s, and by the time of its peak activity, in 2006 and 2007, could easily host events of upwards of 100 people.

The group was extensively featured in national and international media, and was a key proponent of the launch of the Apple Store in Beijing — which took place on 19 July 2008. From the very beginning, David became the leading figure, later cemented in his role as President of the user group. The group was also very active internationally, with members travelling across Asia, Europe, and the Americas, and also with a major international membership.

Most key activities of the user group ceased shortly after the tragic passing of the great Steve Jobs in late 2011. However, it was a key force in popularising Apple products across China.

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5. 2000 年代: 支持北京的苹果电脑用户,创办原北麦协会

在中国,使用苹果电脑的用户仍在少数。为了解决用户们的实际需求,冯琰在 2002 年和来自世界各地的其他 6 名会员,共同创办了当时的北京麦金塔用户会(“北麦协会”)。在整个 2000 年代,该会会员不断增加,并于 2006 年和 2007 年举办过有上百人参加的,影响力较大的活动。

协会因十分活跃,被海内外媒体广泛关注。协会倡导建立的北京苹果直营店,终于在 2008 年 7 月 19 日对外营业。从建会当天起,冯琰就担当协会首要负责人这一职务,并屡次被选为会长。协会也在海外十分活跃,会员遍布各地,也有协会成员在亚洲、欧洲、美洲等活跃活动,或是做演讲,或是参加业界的其它活动。

十分可惜的是,随着苹果的伟大创办人乔布斯原总裁于 2011 年秋天的不幸逝世,协会大部分活动也因此终止。不过,协会存在的将近十年,改善了苹果用户在中国得到的支持和协助,也促进了业界发展。

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