
onward 2016 03 750

3. The 05 December That Made A Difference in 2003

Whilst still doing his BEc in university on 28 November 2003, David was asked if he wanted to “upgrade” his role — from merely a judge of an English-speaking contest to a full presenter for the finals next week. He answered yes virtually in no time.

On 05 December 2003, David hosted a crowd of almost 600 people (according to the organisers). Easily his best evening ever, he was discovered by the head of the Students Union for the university’s School of English. He would eventually be introduced to the university’s radio station, where he would host news and music shows, mostly in English.

The event showcased the School of English’s best contestants and students of English, and was held in the main international convention centre of the university’s main building.

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3. 2003 年 12 月 5 日: 前途从此改变

冯琰在 2003 年仍在攻读经济学学士学位,并在一般课堂之外还经常参加其它的活动。2003 年 11 月 28 日,冯琰应邀担当一个英文演讲赛副决赛的评委成员,并之后被主办者邀请担当决赛主持人。冯琰当场答应成为决赛主持人,这一决定他终身都不后悔。

2003 年 12 月 5 日,在大约 600 人前(根据主办方的数据),冯琰主持了英文演讲赛决赛。这次活动,他主持的很有自己的风格,被当时大学英语学院学生会主席发现,并得到了重点关注。之后,他又被推荐进入校广播,成为英文新闻和音乐类节目主持人。


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