
onward 2016 12 750

12. Defending Our Trains and Dreams: 2012

At a crucial time when China’s high speed railway project hit a critical snag — in the wake of a devastating crash in southeastern China claiming 40 lives — media rhetoric turned increasingly against HSR. David joined an elite group of key influencers in March 2012, including academics and strategists, outlining new goals to be reached for China’s flagship HSR project.

The summit further cemented David’s visibility and influence in China’s rail world. A few weeks later, he both appeared on a panel, and spoke separately, on a key HSR conference in Beijing. Some time earlier on, he also paid a visit to HSR production plants in Eastern China.

It was with the support of people like David that China’s HSR projects continued to develop and blossom across China. But he didn’t just stick to HSR: he was also invited for a behind-the-scenes look in October 2012 at one of China’s most picturesque, but also most challenging, mountain railways in western central China.

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12. 2012 年:保卫中国高铁绝不放弃

2011 年 6 月 30 日,京沪高铁首发列车 G1 次列车,从北京南站开出。冯琰和妻子一同从北京南站 1 站台乘车。



中国高铁在全社会上上下下的支持下,逐步走出最黑暗的时期,而当时冯琰在微博上屡发多篇文章,全面支持高铁的记忆不建设发展。2012 年 10 月,冯琰还同西安铁路局深入山区,了解普通铁路的建设发展,并在行走宝成铁路沿线,进一步了解中国铁路的“点点滴滴”。

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