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13. Serving Academia and the Rest of Us: 2012

David graduated from the Communication University of China with a PhD in media communications in June 2012. He remained at the university to become both a Lecturer and a government-accredited “foreign expert”, teaching English, world culture, mass communications, and media theories. His audiences included local students, incoming students from across the world, and senior academics.

At the same time, he was concurrently involved with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, teaching English to employees of government-funded companies heading abroad, as well as teaching media to incoming students in Baoding, a city just 40 minutes to the southwest of Beijing by high speed rail. He was also published across journals and books in Chinese in 2012 and 2013.

His active commitment to academic excellence earned him highest-possible rankings in annual year-end reviews by university authorities.

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13. 2012 年:当一名对学术界和广大社会负责的教师

2012 年 6 月,冯琰从中国传媒大学毕业,读完了传播学博士学位并通过了论文答辩。冯琰因此也能留校,成为一名讲师暨外籍文教专家,主讲英文、国际文化、大众传播和传播学理论课堂。他的学生包括本地学生、来华外籍留学生,及大学教授等。

同时,冯琰还曾在中国社会科学院为将要出国的国企工作人员等上英文课堂,并还同时兼任位于河北保定的河北大学中国传媒研究课的讲师。2012 年和 2013 年,冯琰还发表了多篇学术文章并参加学术书籍撰写工作。


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