
onward 2016 17 750

17. Teaching Proper English for the Chinese Capital: 2014

Throughout 2014, David made the best of a commitment he had been actively involved in the past 14 years: improving the level of English taught and used throughout Beijing.

In July 2014, for the first time ever, David taught members of the government in Beijing’s most internationalised district, Chaoyang. He also was involved in fixing badly-done translations in Beijing’s more visible scenic spots.

His most visible appearances in improving the city’s English-speaking environment, though, was at the Beijing Foreign Language Festival, a hallmark icon of how global the city has become in just a few decades’ time. This was to get the city ready for hosting the APEC summit in autumn 2014.

This book also landed David a 20-minute stage appearance on the main stage of the 2014 Beijing Foreign Language Festival, where he “went beyond the book”, introducing a series of “extra phrases you had to know” to the audience as a “live exclusive”. David being present at 4 such public appearances that festival made him an active part of the event.

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17. 2014 年:给北京上“地道”的英文课

2014 年,冯琰继续关注北京市的公共英文工作,并持续改进首都的英文学习环境。

2014 年 7 月,冯琰第一次向当地政府官员教英语,并给北京市朝阳区外办部分人员讲述正确英文的基本内容。朝阳区是北京市最为国际化的市辖区之一,所以对英文工作要求也比较高。这样对北京的英文语言环境的关注,也促进了北京市顺利举办 2014 年 APEC 大会这一盛会。


冯琰参加了《北京市民日常英语宝典》的多项工作,任该《宝典》的编审专家职务,并因此深度参加了 2014 年的北京市外语游园会。他接受了现场采访、和北京外语广播的其它人员(包括主持人)“秀”自己的节目、做了一个“超出宝典”的 20 分钟公共演讲,并主持了外语文艺活动。

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