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20. Sharing China with the World: 2015

Around a month after Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to the UK, a major conference, the 2nd Global China Dialogue, was held at the British Academy’s Wolfson Auditorium — overlooking The Mall, not far from where the Chinese leader passed well-wishers on his arrival in London.

Part of a wide series of events during the 2015 UK-China Year of Cultural Exchange, the summit featured some of the most important thinkers and influencers in China-related matters. Transculturality, urbanisation and the Internet, sociology, and many other topics, were discussed.

David took part in the event not just part of the organising team, but also as Speaker and Discussant. He discussed and offered his views on topics being discussed in the Civilised Dialogue – Transcultural and Comparative panel, then he gave his own presentation, Urbanisation and the Fabric of China’s Internet.

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20. 2015 年:与世界分享中国故事

在中国国家主席习近平先生访英之后的大约一个月,冯琰参加了在英国学术院沃尔夫森演讲大堂的《第二届全球中国对话》。活动举办地其实离着中国国家主席习近平 2015 年 10 月访英迎接活动举办地不远的地方,位于市中心的 The Mall 大道。

本次活动为 2015 中英文化交流年的重要活动之一,并由影响力较大的海内外中国话题专家学者参加。该次活动讨论的话题包括超文化交流、城镇化、互联网、社会学等多个话题。


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