
David Feng | Create Your Badge

About five years ago, the only thing I posted on Facebook were interactions with my fellow classmates in school back in Switzerland. Everyone else were outsiders whom I approached with extreme caution.

But now, things have changed. I use Facebook these days as one of my major platforms online for interacting with folks the world over. Over 10,000 people subscribe to my updates, which include tech updates, edu-related tweets, a little bit of “the latest news”, and an assortment of just about everything else. Oh, and the occasional train tweet as well.

In general, most updates are available to the public on Facebook, although there might be minor exceptions at times. You can either “friend” me, or subscribe to my public updates. I’ll try not to post like mad, although there were a few days when I did something like 10 posts in one go!

I’m here on Facebook (David Feng).