Tag Archives: Surface

The Era of All-Macs is Over

This might shock you.

I told you it wasn’t something you might expect. After 17 Macs and countless iPhones, I just got myself Microsoft’s new Surface. I’ll be test-driving machines from both worlds from now on — the future belongs to a unified operating infrastructure, with the cloud and the Web out there as-is.

So far I am not feeling unhappy with the Surface, although Microsoft’s awful security problem is a problem on its own — do you really trust yourself with Redmond’s lack of security features? Also, whilst editing autoexec.bat wasn’t the first thing I had to debug, getting the Microsoft account not “fully done yet” still got me a little upset.

I have less negative views of Bill Gates these days than in my younger days, although I still regard the Steve (that’s Steve Jobs) as the Great Leader. The switch over to Surface is probably a wake-up call to Apple to innovate more. But iOS 7 later this autumn might very well turn the tables…

Late night UPDATE… as seen on Facebook…

After an evening with Microsoft Surface RT, I am reminded why there is still Apple and the whole Mac OS & iEnvironment.

On anything Apple, downloading stuff, be it from the Mac App Store or from the iDevice’s App Store, worked just like that. Tracy just tapped one button on her iPhone to make the next WeChat killer download. Just like that.

By the end of the night, the Surface’s lone Web connection died. Getting Weibo for the Surface didn’t work out at all. Microsoft’s It-Must-Have-Been-Made-By-The-Department-Of-National-Security authentication system failed to download a single byte of app data.

By going overseas I can see how far behind China still is.
By being in Asia I can see how politically demented Switzerland still is at times.
By using Microsoft products I can still see how there’s still hope for Apple.

Big time.

Major league.